Homemade Eggnog
Prep Time
20 min
Cook Time
0 min
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 12 large pasteurized egg yolks
- 3 cups Tuscan heavy whipping cream
- 1 ½ cup Tuscan half & half
- 1 ½ cups Tuscan whole milk
- 1 cup bourbon
- 1 cup brandy
- 1 cup spiced rum
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
How to
- In large mixer bowl with whisk attachment whip sugar and egg yolks on high speed until thick and pale yellow (3 to 5 minutes).
- Meanwhile, in 3-quart pitcher stir together whipping cream, half & half, milk, bourbon, brandy, rum and vanilla. Reduce speed to low; slowly pour whipping cream mixture into egg mixture, scraping bowl often, until just combined. Stir in nutmeg. Store refrigerated.
Tip: Pour eggnog into pint-sized jars for gift giving.
Recipe and image provided by Half & Half magazine.